
This Telehealth Physician email list contains contact information on telehealth physicians. There are many compelling reasons why one might want to market to Telehealth physicians:

1. Increasing Popularity: Telehealth has become increasingly popular in recent years as more patients seek convenient, accessible healthcare options. By marketing to telehealth physicians, you can tap into this growing trend and reach a wider audience of patients who may be interested in your products or services.

2. Geographical Reach: Telehealth physicians can see patients from anywhere in the world, which can help you expand your market reach beyond your local area. By marketing to telehealth physicians, you can potentially reach new markets and increase your business opportunities.

3. Efficiency and Convenience: Telehealth physicians often have a more streamlined, efficient workflow compared to traditional healthcare providers. By marketing to these physicians, you can position your products or services as solutions that can help them streamline their operations even further, improving the convenience and efficiency of their telehealth practices.

4. Innovative Mindset: Telehealth physicians are often early adopters of new technologies and innovative solutions that can improve their patient care and practice operations. By marketing to these physicians, you can tap into this innovative mindset and position your products or services as cutting-edge solutions that can help them stay ahead of the competition and better serve their patients.

5. Patient Safety and Access: Telehealth can provide increased access to healthcare for patients who may otherwise be unable to receive care due to geographical, financial, or other barriers. By marketing to telehealth physicians, you can help ensure that patients are receiving the care they need in a safe and accessible manner, potentially improving patient outcomes and satisfaction.

List Delivery

The list (Excel and CSV formats) will be available to download in zip files within 24 hours after purchase and payment is verified. You will find the list in the "My Account Downloads" section when you login to the site.

Sample Data

To view the sample data click here

The Physician Email List Includes
  1. Physician Name
  2. Practice Address
  3. Practice City
  4. Practice State
  5. Practice Zip
  6. Practice County
  7. Practice Country
  8. Practice Phone
  9. Practice Fax
  10. Email
  11. Gender
  12. Credential
  13. Primary Specialty
  14. Secondary Specialty
  15. Provider Type (Physician)
  16. Accepts Medicare
  17. Telehealth (yes)

Telehealth Physician Emails

  • This list includes emails
  • Physician Row Count: 14,250
  • Email Count: 14,250
  • $1,200.00

Tags: Physician Special Purpose Email Lists, Telehealth Physician Emails