
The Sole Proprietor Physician's email list contains information on physicians who embrace the entrepreneurial mindset and spirit. Marketing to sole proprietor physicians can be beneficial for several reasons, including:

1. Decision-Making Power: As the sole proprietors of their practices, these physicians have complete control over all business decisions, including which products and services they choose to offer to their patients. By marketing to these physicians, you can directly influence their decision-making and increase your chances of securing new business.

2. Niche Specializations: Many sole proprietor physicians are specialists in niche areas of medicine, such as integrative medicine, functional medicine, or alternative medicine. By marketing to these physicians, you can tap into specific markets and promote products or services that are tailored to these areas of expertise.

3. Flexibility: Sole proprietor physicians often have more flexibility in their work schedules and business operations compared to physicians who work in larger healthcare organizations. This flexibility can make it easier to establish and maintain a relationship with these physicians and can lead to more opportunities for collaboration and business growth.

4. Long-Term Relationships: By marketing to sole proprietor physicians, you have the opportunity to build long-term relationships with these physicians that can lead to ongoing business and referrals. These physicians may also be more open to forming partnerships or working with companies that they trust and respect.

5. Entrepreneurial Mindset: As small business owners, sole proprietor physicians often have an entrepreneurial mindset and may be more receptive to new ideas and innovations. By marketing to these physicians, you can tap into this entrepreneurial spirit and position your products or services as innovative solutions that can help them better serve their patients and grow their practices.

List Delivery

The list (Excel and CSV formats) will be available to download in zip files within 24 hours after purchase and payment is verified. You will find the list in the "My Account Downloads" section when you login to the site.

Sample Data

To view the sample data click here

The Physician Email List Includes
  1. Physician Name
  2. Practice Address
  3. Practice City
  4. Practice State
  5. Practice Zip
  6. Practice County
  7. Practice Country
  8. Practice Phone
  9. Practice Fax
  10. Email
  11. Gender
  12. Credential
  13. Primary Specialty
  14. Secondary Specialty
  15. Provider Type (Physician)
  16. Accepts Medicare (yes, may accept)
  17. Is Sole Proprietor (yes)

Sole Proprietor Physician Emails

  • This list includes emails
  • Physician Row Count: 21,318
  • Email Count: 21,318
  • $1,400.00

Tags: Physician Special Purpose Email Lists, Sole Proprietor Physician Emails