This physician email list contains the physicians who specialize in Psychiatry & Neurology and secondary specialties including, Addiction Medicine, Addiction Psychiatry, Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Clinical Neurophysiology, Diagnostic Neuroimaging, Forensic Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry, Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Neurodevelopmental Disabilities, Neurology, Neurology with Special Qualifications in Child Neurology, Neuromuscular Medicine, Obesity Medicine, Pain Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine, Sleep Medicine, Sports Medicine, Vascular Neurology.

List Delivery

The list will download immediately upon order. The list will be available in zip file format as soon as the payment is made. You will find the list in the "My Account Downloads" section when you login to the site.

Sample Data

To view the sample data click here

The Physician Email List Includes
  1. Physician Name
  2. Practice Address
  3. Practice City
  4. Practice State
  5. Practice Zip
  6. Practice County
  7. Practice Country
  8. Practice Phone
  9. Practice Fax
  10. Practice Email
  11. Gender
  12. Credential
  13. Primary Specialty
  14. Secondary Specialty

Physician Emails By Specialty – Psychiatrists and Neurologists

  • This list includes emails
  • Physician Row Count: 7,471
  • Email Count: 7,471
  • $1,121.00

Tags: Physician Email Lists by Specialty, Psychiatrists and Neurologists