Advertising Specifications

Image Specifications

File Type: GIF, JPG

Dimension: Width 120Pixels; Height 90 Pixels

Static Image (GIF, JPG)File Size Max: 15KM

Flash File Size: N/A

Animation Duration Max:N/A

Test Max Characters:Title 20 characters; Content 100 (max characters)

Allow 3rd Party Serving:No

Allow 3rd PartyTracking: No

Audio Permitted: No

Text Specifications

Dimension: 960x17 Pixels

Size Limit: 100(max characters)

Alignment: Center

HTML Specifications

Code Limit: HTML code cannot exceed 3k.

Images: 1 images maximum, total file size of image cannotexceed 10k.


LinkingURLs must be domain name based and cannot be the IP address (i.e.,http://207.123.456.78 ).

LinkingURLs must NOT contains "#" (e.g. or non-English characters (e.g.新聞 / ).

LinkingURLs must lead to a valid web page. PDF or Image file landing URL is NOTallowed (e.g.,

SSL: All Ads must be secure and SSL compliant.